Identification of sex pheromones of two sibling species in dingy cutworm complex, Feltia jaculifera (Gn.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Pest insects of annual crop plants in Canada, I. AnflugspezifitÄt mÄnnlicher Falter zweier Wirtsrassen an synthetische Pheromonquellen. Studien zum Pheromon-Polymorphismus von Zeiraphera diniana Gn. Possible new race of Amorbia cuneana discovered in avocado.

Western avocado leafroller, Amorbia cuneana (Walsingham), (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) discovery of populations utilizing different ratios of sex pheromone components. Intraspecific sex-pheromone variability in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.